Park County Commissioners

Commissioners' Agendas & Meeting Minutes:
The Commissioners Meeting Room is located at 1002 Sheridan Avenue, Cody WY, 82414 – Main Floor of the Old Court House
Summary of County Commissioners' Duties:
The County Commissioners are the governing board of the county. They manage the business concerns of the county. The Commissioners approve budgets for the various county departments and set salaries and policies. They have the authority to set the salaries of the Elected Officials, including their own, within statutory limitations, and to establish salaries of other employees. The Commissioners authorize various Elected Officials to appoint one or more deputies and hire other such employees as may be necessary.
They sign vouchers approving payment of bills. The Commissioners are authorized by law to set the mill levy of all entities within Park County which, when applied to a mathematical formula, determines the amount of property taxes. The Commissioners meet as the local Board of Equalization to hear tax appeals. The Commissioners, along with the County Treasurer and Assessor, constitute a district boundary board for the purpose of revising the boundaries of school districts.
The County Commissioners grant liquor licenses within Park County. The Board makes the final decisions on changes in zoning and approves subdivisions. The Commissioners also address road issues and may establish, maintain, alter or vacate county roads. The Commissioners appoint members of the community to county-appointed boards such as Airport Board, Buffalo Bill Dam Visitor Center Board, Fair Board, Historic Preservation Commission, Library Board, Meeteetse Local Planning Area Advisory Committee, Museum Board, Parks & Recreation Board, Planning & Zoning Commission, Predator Management Advisory Board, Public Health Officer, Travel Council and Weed & Pest District Board. The Commissioners award three college scholarships and one renewal scholarship annually. The Board performs other such duties as prescribed by law.
Commissioners' Agenda Scheduling Policy:
Approved: January 4, 2005
Effective February 1, 2005 the Board of County Commissioners of Park County, Wyoming shall conduct regular meetings on the first three Tuesdays monthly during the calendar year for the transaction of county business, pursuant to Wyoming Statute § 18-3-502 and Wyoming Statute § 16-4-404.
The deadline for making an appointment to meet with the Board on their agenda shall be 3:00 p.m. on the preceding Thursday or 3:00 p.m. on the preceding Wednesday if Friday or Monday is a holiday. Written materials shall also be submitted by the deadline. Any emergency requests for appointment after this deadline will be referred to the Chairman of the Board who shall
make a determination of whether to schedule an appointment for the Tuesday meeting. If the Chairman schedules additional appointments after the Thursday deadline, notification of the other board members as well as any written materials shall be taken care of by 1:00 p.m. on Monday.
Upcoming Events & Items of Interest:
None at this time.
To Contact the Commissioners' Office:
Kelly Carson
Commissioner's Executive Assistant
- Cody: (307) 527 8510
- Powell: (307) 754-8510
- Toll Free: 1 (800) 786-2844 ext 8510
- Fax: (307) 527-8515
- Kelly.Carson@ParkCounty-WY.GOV
- Park County Courthouse
- Office Hours: 8am - 5pm Closed for Lunch 12 - 1pm Monday - Friday