Motor Vehicle Fee Calculator (does not include commercial)
Note: This
calculator just provides an estimate of costs based on the
information provided by the user, and should be used for
informational purposes only. The Treasurer's Office is not
responsible for any errors in the information or fees provided
by this form.
To print
a copy of this form: click the "Print" button on
your browser's toolbar.
Sales Tax must be paid to the County Treasurer within 65
of the date of purchase. After 65 days, additional penalties
and interest will be due. If you are calculating tax on a
sale that occurred more than 65 days ago, please contact
your County Treasurer for the amount of penalties and interest
Note: This
calculator just provides an estimate of sales tax based on
the information provided by the user, and should be used
for informational purposes only. The Treasurer's Office is
not responsible for any errors in the information or fees
provided by this form.
To print
a copy of this form: click the "Print" button on
your browser's toolbar. |