Welcome to the Park County Archives
- Curator: Brian Beauvais
- Archivist: Robyn Cutter
- Cody: 307-527-8530
- Powell: 307-754-8530
- Toll Free: 800-786-2844 ext. 8530
- Office Hours: 9:00 a.m - 4:00 p.m., Monday - Friday
Welcome to the Park County Archives’ webpage. Please find a breakdown of our holdings dedicated to the history of Park County, Wyoming. Our mission is to provide researchers, historians, and anyone interested in the rich and diverse history of Park County with access to a wide range of research materials.
Our collection includes primary sources such as photographs, manuscripts, diaries, letters, maps, and other archival materials. We also have a range of secondary sources such as books, academic papers, and government documents that cover various aspects of the county’s history.
Our materials cover a broad range of topics, including the Native American history of the area, the early explorers and settlers, the development of the mining industry, the establishment of Yellowstone National Park, and the growth of agriculture and ranching in the region. We also have materials on the social and cultural history of the county.
We are happy offer assistance to any researchers who may need help navigating our collection or locating specific materials. Whether you are a student, a scholar, or simply someone with a passion for history, we invite you to explore our collection and learn more about the rich and fascinating history of Park County, Wyoming.

Research in the Archives
We welcome you to come in to browse or to conduct historical and genealogical research. Our collections document the many people, places, and events related to the history of Park County, Wyoming.
We are happy to assist you in locating material for your search. Sources include:
- Vertical reference files on Park County subjects – Vertical File Index
- Biographies – Biography File Index
- Obituaries
- Photographs (over 30,000 images) – Online Collections
- Maps of Cody, Park County, and Wyoming from 1899 on
- Newspapers, including the Cody Enterprise (1903 to the present), the Cody Times (1949-52), the Powell Tribune (1940 to present) and the Wyoming Stockgrower and Farmer (1903-09).
- Original manuscript collections
- Oral Histories – Oral History Collection
Our Facilities
We are located in the new Park County Library Building, 1500 Heart Mountain Street (extension of 13th Street), Room 140, in Cody. We are open from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. We are closed major holidays and on days when the Park County Library is closed. For library closings, please consult the Park County Library calendar.
Research Procedures and Fees
There is no fee to conduct research in person. If you call or email us to let us know the topic of your research ahead of time, we can often locate materials for you in advance of your visit. Materials from our archival and book cannot be loaned, but you are welcome to perform research in our reading room. If you find information you would like copied, we are happy to make a reasonable number of photocopies for you at a cost of $.20 per page.
Research Service
For researchers who cannot visit in person, we can conduct a search for you. The cost is $20.00 for research time, including up to 20 photocopies. Additional copies are billed at $.20 per page.
Other Resources You May Find Helpful
Birth, death, marriage and divorce certificates for all Wyoming counties are available from the Wyoming Department of Health.
The Wyoming Online Newspaper Project is a complete index with full text searching for all Wyoming newspapers. The project has placed the full text of newspapers online up through the 1922, and they are adding additional newspapers and dates.
Digitized photographs of Wyoming people and places can be found through the Wyoming State Archives, the McCracken Research Library of the Buffalo Bill Center of the West, and the American Heritage Center of the University of Wyoming.
Wyoming residents can use their library card to access a number of databases through the Wyoming State Library’s WYLD system. Researchers can access databases including Ancestry, Heritage Quest, the Wyoming Biography Database and Sanborn Fire Insurance Company maps.
Map Portal
The collections of the Park County Archives contains a great deal of information pertaining to the historic geography of the region. This collection of GIS maps are meant to be an ever-growing, interactive repository of information on various subjects in Park County, WY. We hope to use photos, map data, and other research materials from the collections of the Park County Archives to make learning about the history of the area easy, accessible, and enjoyable.
These Maps will continue to grow as we assemble more photos and geographic research, so please check back to see new data as it is posted.
If you have any questions, comments, or information you would like to add to the map, please contact Park County Archives Curator- Brian Beauvais. Email me at brian.beauvais@parkcounty-wy.gov or call my office at 307-527-8530.

Photograph Collections
Our collection of photographs include over 30,000 images related to many
aspects of Park County history. Most of these images have been digitized and
are searchable via our PastPerfect Online photo database. Online Collections
Image Reproductions
We are happy to provide you with digital copies of the images in our collection. Fees apply for digital and printed copies, and reproduction fees for the publication and commercial use of these images. Images may be requested within the PastPerfect Online database or by contacting our office.
Copyright Notice
Some of the images in our collection, especially those taken after the 1930’s may still be protected by copyright. It is the responsibility of the user of a photograph to determine if an image is under copyright protection and to seek permission to publish or use an imageOther Photographic Collections
Digitized photographs of Wyoming people and places can also be found through
- Wyoming State Archives
- McCracken Research Library of the Buffalo Bill Center of the West
- American Heritage Center of the University of Wyoming
Historic Maps

The Park County Archives also has in its collection sizable number of historic maps related to the geography of Park County, the local communities, Yellowstone National Park, and the Shoshone National Forest. All of these maps have been digitized but they are not available online due to data limitations.
Please contact our offices for help locating maps or other geographic research questions.
Additional Resources
The Wyoming State Archives has an outstanding collection of digitized maps that are now available online through their Online Map Collection.
The Sanborn Insurance Company Maps for Wyoming cities are available to Wyoming state residents through the Wyoming State Library’s GoWYLD system.
Park County Government also maintains a map server containing assessment data – Park County Map Server

Book Collection
We have an outstanding collection of books on Park County history topics, including many out of print books. We also have a collection of family history books from the Park County Genealogy Society.
Our books are cataloged through the Park County Library’s online catalog. Our books have a call number beginning with Archives then the number.
Please come in to the Archives use our books, they cannot be loaned or checked out. We can make photocopies at a cost of $.20 per page for personal reference use subject to copyright laws.

Historic Preservation
Our archival and photograph collections are very helpful in documenting the history of local homes and buildings. We can assist you in researching your historic home or ranch property
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps (from 1907 to 1939) document construction details and outbuildings for properties within the city of Cody. Historic photographs often show details of buildings. Maps are available online through the Wyoming State Library’s GoWYLD network.
In addition, our Vertical Reference Files, Biographies and Obituaries are available for documenting family homes and businesses.
The Park County Historic Preservation Commission helps with archaeological and historic preservation issues for the county, including nominations to the National Register of Historic Places. Their website includes links to the Wyoming State Historic Preservation Office and forms to nominate buildings to the National Register.
We gladly accept donations of personal or business papers of people who lived and worked in the Park County area. Please consider donating the following:
- Books, articles and pamphlets on Cody and Park County history
- Photographs, slides and negatives of Cody and the region (including recent photographs showing the growth of the area)
- Family papers, letters, diaries
- Papers of small businesses such as photographs and ledger books
- Maps and plans
- Small artifacts
Your donations will be cataloged and stored in a modern climate-controlled vault for preservation. They will be made available to researchers or for display.
Please contact us 527-8530 to discuss your donation.
Volunteer Opportunities
Would you like to learn more about the history of Cody and Park County?
Do you enjoy books, photographs or antiques?
We have many volunteer opportunities for retirees, students, or anyone looking for an enjoyable and interesting job. No previous experience is necessary. You will get practical hands-on training in these fields. Part-time, short-term, or occasional volunteer projects are possible.
We have convenient hours from 9:00am until 4:00 pm Monday through Friday, in a beautiful setting in the new Park County Library building.
Possible Volunteer Projects:
- Computers: Use our PastPerfect database program to catalog objects; Adobe Photoshop for editing photos, Word to create inventories, and Excel to track and sort.
- Digital Photography: We photograph all our collections and you can learn to use an advanced digital camera, copy stand and studio tent to document museum objects.
- Historical Research: Learn research skills to help document the collections.
- Display Techniques: You can help develop displays and small case exhibits.
- Book Cataloging: Help inventory and catalog our collection of local history books.
- Museum Cataloging: Help document and catalog our collection of antiques relating to local history.
- Photo Cataloging: Help catalog and document our extensive collection of Cody and area photographs.
- Archival cataloging: Learn to organize the papers of people and organizations that helped shape Cody’s history.
Please call us at (307) 527-8530 to discuss your interests.