Have comments? Contact us!
Or mail your written comments to:
Planning and Zoning Department
1002 Sheridan Ave., Suite 109
Cody, WY 82414
On April 5, 2022, the Board of County Commissioners selected individuals from around Park County to serve on the Land Use Plan Advisory Committee (LUPAC). The LUPAC is a committee of 16 members selected to represent different communities, geographies, and interests within Park County. Members of the LUPAC will assist the Project Team (Clarion Associates + select County Commissioners and Planning and Zoning Department Staff) with development of the updated Land Use Plan (LUP). The LUPAC gathered and shared citizen perspectives and input on interim work products, assisted with community and stakeholder engagement by helping to get the word out, and generally served as community ambassadors for the LUP process. LUPAC members were on the front line of this project – the “go to” people for our communities!
We encouraged residents, landowners and businesses owners in each of the planning areas around Park County to communicate directly with their assigned LUPAC member. Their email addresses are below for convenience. Essentially the LUPAC is here to collect comments and insights from the public, which will be taken into consideration during the LUP development process. Ultimately, the policies and goals of the LUP will be translated into new development regulations for the County in the near future. Your input is VERY important! We want to know what you do and do not want to see your area of the County, and in Park County as a whole.
Meet the Team!
Planning Area | Name | |
Agriculture | Kelly Spiering | AgLUPAC@gmail.com |
Clark | Dave Hoffert | ClarkLUPAC@gmail.com |
Cody Local | Andy Quick | aquick@cityofcody.gov |
Cody/Powell Rural | Marion Morrison | CodyPowellLUPAC@gmail.com |
Commercial/Industrial | Jerry Thompson | CommIndLUPAC@gmail.com |
Economics | Rebekah Burns | rebekah.burns@powellchamber.org |
Environmental | Kathleen Jachowski | EnviroLUPAC@gmail.com |
Lower South Fork | Brett Trudo | LowerSouthforkLUPAC@gmail.com |
Meeteetse Local | Tiffanie May | MeeteetseLUPAC@gmail.com |
Middle South Fork | Mike Bromley | MidSouthforkLUPAC@gmail.com |
North Fork | Laurie Steward | NorthForkLUPAC@gmail.com |
Powell/Real Estate | Tye Whitlock | PowellLUPAC@gmail.com |
Sage Creek | Richard Lasko | SageCreekLUPAC@gmail.com |
Sunlight | Bret Allard | SunlightLUPAC@gmail.com |
Upper Clark’s Fork | Tracy Lafollette | UpperClarkLUPAC@gmail.com |
Upper South Fork | Matt Curtis | UpperSouthforkLUPAC@gmail.com |