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Or mail your written comments to:
Planning and Zoning Department
1002 Sheridan Ave., Suite 109
Cody, WY 82414

Park County Land Use Plan - Adoption Draft (December 2023)
To see the marked-up version of the plan that shows the changes that occurred between the August version and this version, visit www.planparkcounty.us. Please note that the marked-up PDF flagged some areas where the headers/footers changed slightly, or where a deletion moved text into a different space on the page, and doesn't highlight where map changes occurred (the software has limited capabilities).
LUPAC Final Meeting Summary (March 2023)
Members of the project team held a final meeting with the Land Use Plan Advisory Committee (LUPAC) on March 6, 2023. The purposes of the meeting was to gather final thoughts from each LUPAC member on the preliminary draft of the updated Land Use Plan with a particular focus on their individual planning areas.

Key Policy Choices Outreach Summary (November 2022)
This document summarizes the results of the second round of community engagement opportunities as part of the Plan Park County process. Opportunities for public input included seven community meetings, an online survey, and supplemental outreach conducted by Land Use Plan Advisory Committee (LUPAC) members.

Key Policy Choices (October 2022)
Community and Stakeholder Engagement presentation.

Park County Land Use Plan 101 (September 2022)
What is a Land Use Plan? Why should I care? This simple flyer should help to answer those questions and more!

Park County Drinking Water Memo (September 2022)
An expanded look at facts pertaining to domestic water availability in Park County. This document is a supplement to the "Water 101" flyer.

Park County Drinking Water 101 (September 2022)
A flyer to explain the basic facts about domestic water availability in Park County. This document is essentially a summary of the Park County Drinking Water Memo.
LUPAC Meeting #3 Summary (August 2022)
Members of the project team held an update meeting with the Land Use Plan Advisory Committee (LUPAC) on August 31, 2022. The purposes of the meeting were to provide an update on project progress, preview materials for October outreach efforts, and preview the map portal portion of the project materials.
Preliminary Plan Framework: Outreach Summary (August 2022)
This document summarizes the results of the first of many community engagement opportunities that will be provided as part of the Plan Park County process. The Vision and Values Survey—was available on the project website during the month of April 2022, and was widely advertised through a variety of channels. Results are organized into four parts: Part 1: Survey Respondents, Part 2: Countywide Issues and Opportunities, Part 3: Park County Vision, Part 4: Open-ended Responses.
LUPAC Meeting #2 Summary (June 2022)
Members of the project team held an update meeting with the Land Use Plan Advisory Committee (LUPAC) on June 22, 2022. The purposes of the meeting were summarize community input thus far, review the preliminary goals and values, discuss next steps and answer LUPAC member questions.
Vision and Values Survey: Results Summary (June 2022)
This document summarizes the results of the first of many community engagement opportunities that will be provided as part of the Plan Park County process. The Vision and Values Survey—was available on the project website during the month of April 2022, and was widely advertised through a variety of channels. Results are organized into four parts: Part 1: Survey Respondents, Part 2: Countywide Issues and Opportunities, Part 3: Park County Vision, Part 4: Open-ended Responses.
Technical Working Group Meeting #1 Summary (May 2022)
The project team visited with several members of the Technical Working Group to discuss the State of the County and next steps.
Education/Youth Meetings Summary (April 2022)
County staff and a member of the project team met with high school students from each school district, as well as students from Northwest College, to discuss the Plan Park County process on April 25, 2022.
LUPAC Meeting #1 Summary (April 2022)
Members of the project team held a kick-off meeting with the Land Use Plan Advisory Committee (LUPAC) on April 25, 2022. The purposes of the kick-off meeting were to introduce the committee members to the project team, other LUPAC members, and the project goals, as well as orient them to their role in the planning process and offer an opportunity to ask County staff and consultants questions.
Public Involvement Plan (Updated June 2022)
Community and stakeholder input will be critical to the success of the Plan Park County process. Opportunities for input will be provided throughout the process, as outlined in this Public Involvement Plan (PIP).
Project Kickoff Meetings Summary (March 2022)
Summary of the Kick-off meetings for the Plan Park County process that were held between February 28 and March 3, 2022.