Park County Elections

Park County voters please be advised of the following:

The last day to change or declare a political affiliation for active registered voters before the Primary election was May 15.
If you did not vote in the 2022 General election, you may have been purged. Please check your registration status and re-register early to avoid lines on election day.
The absentee and vote early period is now 28 days before an election, for 2024 these dates are:
July 23 – August 19 for the Primary and October 8 – November 4 for the General.
ID is required to vote.

Park County’s next upcoming elections are a Primary Election on Tuesday August 20, 2024 and a General Election on Tuesday November 5, 2024. If you need to make changes to your voter registration please do so early in order to avoid lines as the dates to the elections get closer. 

Contact us

Image of Colleen Renner

Colleen Renner

Park County Clerk and Chief Election Official

Recent news

Precinct consolidations: Changes have been made to election district/precinct boundaries due to consolidation.  Details of the changes and maps here. 

General Election results now official: After a post-election review and audit, the results of the election are official.

Recount and audit confirm primary results: A recount of the 3,747 ballots cast in the House District 24 Republican primary exactly matched the initial results. An Aug. 19 ballot audit of the primary election similarly found that the machines correctly counted all 450 randomly sampled races.

Wyoming now requires an ID to voteNew voter ID law: All Wyoming voters must now show identification before voting in person: a state driver’s license or ID card; tribal ID card; valid U.S. passport; U.S. military card; student ID from a public school, college or university in Wyoming; a valid Medicare or Medicaid insurance card, or a Wyoming concealed firearm permit. For more, visit the Secretary of State’s site.

Registering to vote

Find your polling place

Elected officials and candidates

Running for office in Park County

Important Dates

Feb. 9, 2024 Initiative Petition Filling Deadline for the 2024 Ballot. W.S. 22-24-319a
May 3, 2024 Secretary of State certifies offices up for election in 2024. W.S. 22-2-108
May 7, 2024 County Commissioners divide county into election districts. W.S. 22-7-101; 18-3-502
May 15, 2024 Last day to declare or change party affiliation prior to Primary Election. W.S. 22-5-214(a)                                                                                                                                       May 16, 2024 Candidate filing period opens for Primary Election, for partisan and municipal offices. W.S. 22-5-209
May 31, 2024 Candidate filing period closes for Primary Election, for partisan and municipal offices. W.S. 22-5-209
June 13, 2024 City Clerks certify candidates to County Clerk. W.S. 22-23-303; Secretary of State certifies Primary Election candidates W.S 22-5-209
June 30, 2024 County Clerk appoints election judges by this date. W.S. 22-8-101(d)
July 5, 2024 UOVACA voting begins for Primary Election W.S. 22-6-107
July 23, 2024 Absentee/early voting begins for Primary Election 22-9-107                                                                                                                                                                                    Aug. 5, 2024 Voter registration closes for the Primary Election at 5 p.m.; registration continues on Election Day and when early voting. W.S. 22-3-102; W.S. 22-2-110(b)(ii)                Aug. 6, 2024 Deadline for Public test of voting equipment. W.S. 22-11-104 b(iii)
Aug. 7, 2024 Candidate filing period opens for school, college and special districts for General Election. W.S. 22-22-202; 22-29-112(d)                                                                              Aug. 13, 2024 Candidate and Candidate Campaign Committee Statements of Contributions and Expenditures due; filing starts Aug. 6. W.S. 22-25-106(a)(i); 22-25-106(b)(i)
Aug. 19, 2024 Filing deadline for minor and provisional party candidates. W.S. 22-4-304
Aug. 20, 2024 PRIMARY ELECTION – Polls open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. W.S. 22-2-104                                                                                                                                                                      Aug. 21, 2024 Party declarations and changes reopens. W.S. 22-5-209
Aug. 26, 2024 Filing deadline for both independent candidates for partisan office (a petition is required) and for school, college, and special district candidates.                          Aug. 30, 2024 Amendments to campaign finance reports for the Primary Election due. W.S. 22-25-106(a)(i); 22-25-106(b)(i)
Sept. 20, 2024 UOVACA voting starts for General Election. W.S. 22-6-107(b)
Oct. 8, 2024 Absentee/early voting begins for General Election. W.S. 22-9-107
Oct. 21, 2024 Voter registration and party affiliation changes close for the General Election at 5 p.m.; registration continues on Election Day and when early voting. W.S. 22-3-102; W.S. 22-2-110(b)(ii); 22-5-214 (a)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Oct. 22, 2024 Deadline for Public test of voting equipment. W.S. 22-11-104(b)(iii)
Oct. 22, 2024 Campaign finance reports can begin to be filed for General Election report W.S. 22-25-106(a)(i); 22-25-106(b)(i)
Oct. 29, 2024 Campaign finance report due for General Election report. W.S. 22-25-106(a)(i); 22-25-106(b)(i)
Nov. 5, 2024 GENERAL ELECTION – Polls open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. W.S. 22-2-104                                                                                                                                                                         Nov. 13, 2024 State Canvassing Board certification of state abstract W.S. 22-16-118
Nov. 15, 2024 Amendments to campaign finance reports for general election due. W.S. 22-25-106(a)(i); 22-25-106(b)(i)
Dec. 2, 2024 Terms begin for newly elected school board and college trustees W.S. 22-22-102(a)
Jan. 6, 2025 Elected officials assume office W.S. 22-2-107

Park County voter registrations

Through November 8, 2022, there were 18,581 registered voters in the county.

Republicans (15,742)
Unaffiliated (1,515)
Democrats (1,158)
Libertarian (129)
Constitution (36)
Other (1)

Frequently Asked Questions

No. Voters must make a new request for absentee ballots each election cycle. If you do not contact our office in 2024 to request absentee ballots, you will not receive them.

You can make the request as soon as Jan. 1, 2024. Visit this page on early and absentee voting for more information.

No. In Wyoming, you must separately register to vote. However, it’s something that can easily be done using your Wyoming’s driver’s license  at the Park County Courthouse, Powell City Hall or Meeteetse Town Hall. See our voter registration page for more information.

If you have already registered in Park County and you voted in the last general election (November 2022), you remain actively registered. If you did not vote in the 2022 General Election, your voter registration is inactive and you will need to re-register.

If you are unsure whether you are registered to vote, you can contact our office to check your status.

If you need to update your name or address, or if you want to change your political affiliation, you must follow the same process as when you first registered. That means presenting your ID at the Park County Courthouse, Powell City Hall or Meeteetse Town Hall (or, if making the change by mail, to a notary).

A person can update or change their party affiliation for a primary election no later than the day before candidate filing begins. The candidate filing period begins ninety-six (96) days before the primary election. The last day to change or declare a party affiliation prior to the primary election is May 15, 2024. After the primary election but no later than 14 days before the general election voters can change their party affiliation. Voters also have the option to change their party affiliation at their polling place on the day of the general election or when requesting an absentee ballot. 

Unlike some other states, Wyoming does not send out information to voters about the candidates and items on their ballots, leaving it up to voters to conduct their own research.

Our office is unable to provide you with any information about the candidates beyond their contact information. We recommend voters check with local sources. For instance, the Cody and Powell newspapers typically profile all the candidates on local ballots, and the county’s political parties, chambers of commerce and civic groups often hold forums that are also recorded and archived online.

Yes, you can leave any question on your ballot blank and it will be recorded as an undervote.

If you fill in too many ovals on your ballot — such as voting for four candidates in a race for three positions, or voting both for and against a ballot proposition — you need to request a new ballot, as there is no way to correct an “overvote.”

If you do not request a new ballot, your votes on that race or issue will effectively be voided and logged as overvotes. Your selections in other races will not be affected

Park County Elections | 1002 Sheridan Ave., Cody, WY 82414 | 307-527-8620 |